Video highlights from the Five (5) Great Activities for the Christian Family Organizations of The Iglesia Ni Cristo last September 04, 2018
Here is the video highlights from the Five (5) Great Activities for the Christian Family Organizations of The Iglesia Ni Cristo last September 04, 2018.
1. Sign Language Application for IOS and Android Continuing Campaign
2. NEU Certification Program for Sign Language Interpreters in NEU Pampanga Branch
3. CSD get Together Region 3
4. NEU Relaunching of the Official Website
5. Family Market and Job Fair
Present to witness the event were Local Government officials headed by the Honorary Guest San Fernando Mayor Edwin Santiago, as well as the Supervising District Minister of the Ecclesiastical District of Pampanga West, Brother Bedan Ubaldo and the District Staff, CFO Office representatives, Christian Society for the Deaf (CSD) representatives and interpreters, and NEU Officials led by Dr. Nilo Rosas, NEU President and Brother Alberto Domingo Jr., NEU Pampanga Branch Director. Present also were ministers from nearby districts, and various media and NGO to witness this historic event.
All Praise be unto our Almighty God!
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