Christian Family Organizations Launched NEU-CPSLI

The Christian Family Organizations (CFO) Office, in partnership with the New Era University Center for Community Extensions and Linkages (NEU-CCEL) thru the instrumentality of the CFO Liaison to the NEU, simultaneously launched the CFO Technical and Vocational Program (CFO TECHVOC), NEU Certification Program for Sign Language Interpreters (NEU-CPSLI) and PNK 100 Sign Language Videos today, October 11, 2019 at the Ecclesiastical District of Rizal East, attended by the representatives from the Ecclesiastical Districts of the province of Rizal.

The program was launched with a message from the Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, that was read by the District Minister, Brother Arnel Agorilla. The lecture was followed by discussions of the role of the CFO Committees by Brother Joseph S. Amarille, the importance of the Sign Language Interpretation in the Church as well as the presentation of PNK 100 Sign Language Videos by brother Alexander V. Castillo, followed by the brief history of the CFO TechVoc by Brother Jaimar Dan C. Orosa, the CFO Liaison Officer to the NEU.

This was followed by discussions of the timeline of the CFO Technical and Vocational Program. After the said events, the turn-over ceremonies of the NEU CPSLI to the branch of NEU, NEU Rizal Branch led by Brother Alexander Castillo to the branch director, brother Joey Red.

Praise be to our Almighty God!