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Body Parts
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Philippine Provinces
- 1 to 20
- 1,000 to 10,000
- 100 to 1000
- 20 to 100
- A
- A to Z
- abandon
- abashed
- abate
- abbreviate
- abductee
- abettor
- abhorrent
- ability
- able
- abolish
- abominable
- abomination
- about (estimate)
- above
- Abra
- Abraham
- abridged
- absent
- abstain from
- abstract
- academy
- accede
- accelerometer
- accept
- access
- accessory (accomplice)
- accident
- accident (mistake)
- accomplice
- accomplish
- accomplishment (success)
- account
- accumulate (earn)
- accurate
- accuse
- ache
- achieve
- achievement (success)
- acknowledge
- acquiesce
- acquire
- across
- act
- action
- active (eager)
- active
- activity
- Adam
- adapt
- add
- addition
- addled
- address (speech)
- adequate
- adhesive
- adjective
- adjust
- administer
- administrator
- admission
- admit
- admonition
- adopt (take on)
- adrift
- adult
- adultery
- advance (develop)
- advance (move closer)
- advance (improve)
- advantage
- adverb
- adversary
- advertise
- advice
- adviser
- advisor
- advisory
- advocacy
- advocate
- aerobics
- afar
- affair (adultery)
- affect
- affidavit
- affiliate
- affiliation
- affliction
- affordable
- afresh
- Africa
- aftermath
- afternoon
- aftershave
- afterward (later)
- afterward (then)
- again
- against
- agency
- aggrieved
- agitated
- ago
- agonize
- agony (hurt)
- agony (torment)
- agree
- agreement
- agriculture
- ahead
- aid
- aide
- ailing
- air
- air-condition
- aisle
- Albay
- alert (careful)
- alert (warn)
- algebra
- all day
- all done
- all the time
- all-powerful
- alleluia
- allergy
- alliance
- alligator
- allow
- ally
- almighty
- alone
- alphabet
- already
- also
- altar
- alter
- alternating current
- alternative
- always
- am
- amalgamate
- amazed
- amazing
- ambassador
- ameliorate
- amen
- amend
- amount (price)
- ample
- amplifier
- amplitude
- analog
- analog to digital converter
- analyze
- anatomize
- anatomy
- ancestors
- and
- anecdote
- anew
- angel
- anger
- angry
- anguish
- annihilate
- anniversary
- announce
- annoy
- annoyance
- annoyed
- annual
- Annual Thanksgiving
- Annual Thanksgiving offering
- annul
- ano ba yan
- anointing of oil
- answer
- antagonist
- antlers
- anxiety
- anxiety (concern)
- anxious
- apart
- Apayao
- apex
- apostasy
- apostles
- apparel
- appeal (request)
- appear
- appear at
- appeased
- apple
- applicable
- applicant
- apply (pertain)
- appoint
- appointment
- apprehend
- apprehension
- apprehensive
- apprentice
- approach
- approve
- approximate
- architect
- architecture
- ardent
- are
- area
- argue
- argument
- arise
- arithmetic
- arm
- armed forces
- armlet
- army
- around (estimate)
- arraign
- arrange
- arrangement (appointment)
- array (clothing)
- arrears
- arrest
- art
- as well
- ascend
- ascend (climb)
- ashamed
- Asia
- ask (request)
- ask (inquire)
- assail
- assault
- assemble (build)
- assembly
- assent
- assess
- assessment (test)
- asset (property)
- assign (appoint)
- assignment
- assist
- assistance
- assistant
- associate (ally)
- association
- assume (take on)
- asthma
- astonishing
- astounding
- astray
- at
- atmosphere
- atrocious
- attachment theory
- attack
- attempt
- attend
- attention
- attire
- attitude
- attraction
- aunt
- Australia
- authority
- authorize
- autism
- autograph
- autumn
- avenue
- avid
- avoid
- avow
- awake
- award
- away
- awe-inspiring
- awesome
- B
- baby
- back (past)
- back out
- backpack
- backslide
- backup (reinforcement)
- bacon
- badge
- badger (bother)
- bag
- balance
- balance sheet
- ball (dance)
- ball cap
- Banaue
- band (bracelet)
- banderole
- bangasan sa mukha
- bangle
- banish
- bank
- bank account
- banner
- baptism
- baptism by immersion
- Baptist church
- baptize
- bargain
- barter
- base
- baseball
- basement
- basic
- basis
- basketball
- Bataan
- Batanes
- Batangas
- bath
- bathe
- bathtub
- battery
- be
- be present
- beads
- beam
- bear (burden)
- beard
- beat (attack)
- beat (defeat)
- beau
- beckon
- bee
- beef
- before
- before (in the past)
- befuddled
- beg
- begin
- beguile
- behave
- behind (late)
- behind
- belated
- belief
- believe
- belittle
- belongings
- below
- belt
- beneath
- benefit
- Benguet
- beseech
- best friend
- Bethlehem
- betray
- beverage
- beware
- bewildered
- beyond
- biased
- Bible
- Bicol
- bill
- bill (debt)
- billiards
- Binhi
- binobola siya
- binoculars
- biology
- bitter (disappointed)
- black eye
- black-tie
- blame
- blame me
- bland (boring)
- blank-minded
- blaspheme
- blasphemy
- blast
- bleed
- blend
- bless
- blind
- blissful
- blog
- blood
- blow (punch)
- blow (air)
- blow up
- bluff
- blunder
- blurred
- blurry
- blush
- bluster
- board
- boast
- body
- Bohol
- bomb
- bondage
- bongga
- book
- bookkeeping
- boost
- borderline
- bore
- bored
- boring
- born again
- borrow
- bosom
- boss
- both
- bother
- bough
- boulevard
- bowl
- boxing
- boy
- boyfriend
- bra
- bracelet
- brag
- brain
- branch
- brassiere
- brave
- bread
- breadboard
- break
- breakdown
- breakdown voltage
- breast
- breath
- breathtaking
- breeze
- bribe
- bribery
- bride
- bridegroom
- briefing (orientation)
- bring
- bring (to me)
- broad
- broad-minded
- broken promise
- brother
- Brother Angelo Eraño V. Manalo (The Coordinator of the Christian Family Organizations of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ).)
- Brother Eduardo V. Manalo (The present Executive Minister of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ). )
- Brother Eraño G. Manalo (The former Executive Minister of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ). )
- Brother Felix Y. Manalo (The Messenger of God in these last days. )
- buck
- buddy
- build
- Bukidnon
- Buklod
- Bulacan
- bull cap
- bullish
- bump
- bunny
- buoyant
- burden
- bureau
- burger
- burglary
- burst
- bury
- business
- bust
- busy
- but
- butt in
- butter
- button
- buttons
- Butuan
- buy
- bygone
- C
- Cagayan
- Cagayan de Oro
- cajole
- cake
- calculate
- calculator
- calculus
- calendar
- calibration
- calisthenics
- call
- call everyone
- calling
- Caloocan
- Camarines Norte
- Camarines Sur
- camel
- Camiguin
- camp
- campaign
- can (able)
- cancel
- candidate
- candy
- canine
- canvass
- cap
- capacitance
- capacitor
- capacity
- capital (financial)
- captain
- caption
- captive (prisoner)
- captive (slave)
- captivity
- capture
- care
- care (burden)
- career
- careful
- caribou
- carry
- carry on
- case (situation)
- cases (situations)
- cash flow statement
- cashier
- cast away
- cast off
- cat
- Catanduanes
- catch (seize)
- catch (apprehend)
- Catholic
- Catholic Church
- catsup
- caution
- cautious
- cavil
- Cavite
- Cebu
- ceiling (maximum)
- celebrate
- cellar
- cellphone
- censure
- central government
- century
- ceremonial
- ceremonious
- CFO Coordinator
- chagrined
- chairperson
- challenge
- chamber
- champion
- championship
- change
- chapter
- character (role)
- character (personality)
- characteristic
- charge (accuse)
- charge (price)
- charity
- chart
- charter
- chase
- chat
- chat (online)
- cheap
- cheat (deceive)
- cheat
- check
- cheek
- cheerful
- cheery
- cheese
- chemistry
- chess
- chest
- chewing gum
- chief executive officer
- child
- children
- Children's Worship Service
- chimpanzee
- chin
- china (plate)
- chips (fries)
- chocolate
- choice (option)
- choice (choose)
- choir
- choose
- choral group
- Christ
- Christian
- Christian Brotherhood International
- Christian Employees Association
- Christian Family Organizations
- Christian Family Organizations Coordinator
- Christian Medical Dental and Paramedical Society
- Christian Society for the Deaf
- chum
- church
- Church Administration
- Church Of Christ
- churlish
- circumpsect
- circumstance
- circumstances
- city
- civil marriage
- civil war
- class
- class advisor
- classmate
- classy
- clause
- clerk
- client
- cliff
- climate
- climb
- clinic
- clip
- close (end)
- close (shut)
- close friend
- closing (final)
- clothes
- clothing
- cloud
- cloudy
- co-conspirator
- coach
- coalesce
- coat (paint)
- coax
- cocoa
- coconut
- coerce
- coffee
- coin toss
- coitus
- cold war
- collaborate
- collaboration
- collapse (breakdown)
- collect (earn)
- collection (earning)
- college
- collision
- cologne
- colon (punctuation)
- colors (flag)
- column
- comb
- combatant
- combine
- come
- come here
- come into
- comfortable
- comma
- command (order)
- command (control)
- commandment
- commence
- comment
- commission
- committee
- common
- community
- companion
- company (business)
- compare
- compensate
- competition
- complain
- complaint
- complete (end)
- complete (finished)
- completion (ending)
- component
- composite
- comprehensive
- compressive strength
- compromise
- compute
- conceal
- concede
- concentration
- concern
- concession
- conciliator
- concise
- conclude
- concluding (final)
- conclusion
- concur
- condemn (blame)
- condemn (criticize)
- condense
- condescend
- condition
- conduct (behavior)
- conduct (lead)
- conduction
- confederate (ally)
- confess
- confidant
- confidence
- confirm
- confused
- congregation
- congress
- congressman
- conjecture
- conniver
- connotation
- conquer
- conscience
- conscientious
- consequence (effect)
- conserve
- consign (deliver)
- consolidate
- constantly
- consternation
- constitution
- constraint
- constraints
- construct
- construction
- consultant
- consumption
- contempt
- contemptible
- content (satisfied)
- contest
- continue
- contract (legal document)
- contrast
- contravene
- contribute
- contribution (offering)
- control
- controller
- controvert
- convention
- converse
- convert (person)
- convert (change)
- convince
- convulsion
- cook
- cookie
- cooperate
- cooperation
- cooperative
- coordinate
- coordination
- cop
- copulation
- copy
- copyist
- copyright
- Cordillera Administrative Region
- coronet
- correct (right)
- correct (check)
- correctional facility
- cost
- costly
- costume
- Cotobato
- cough
- council
- councilman
- counsel
- counseling
- counselor
- count
- counter
- countermand
- country
- coup
- courageous
- course
- court
- court of law
- courtly
- cousin
- covenant
- cover
- covetous
- cozy
- crack
- crash
- crawl
- crayon
- create
- credit card
- creep (crawl)
- crime
- criticize
- critique
- crocodile
- croissant
- crop
- crop up
- cross (shape)
- cross (angry)
- cross out
- cross section
- crossness
- crow (brag)
- crowd
- crown
- crown of life
- crucifix
- crucify
- cry
- cuckoldry
- cuff
- culmination
- culture
- cur
- cure
- curly hair
- curse
- cuss
- custom
- customer
- customize
- cut
- D
- dad
- daily
- damage
- dance
- danger
- data
- daub
- daughter
- Davao
- David
- dawn
- day
- day-to-day
- daybreak
- dead
- Deaf
- deal (sell)
- dean
- dear (expensive)
- death
- debate
- debt
- deceased
- deceive
- deceive (bluff)
- deception
- decide
- declare
- decline
- decorous
- decrease
- decree
- decrement
- dedicate
- deed
- deer
- defeat
- defend
- defense
- defense attorney
- defense lawyer
- defer
- define
- definition
- defraud
- defy
- degenerate
- degrade
- degree (temperature)
- dejected
- delay
- delayed
- deliberate (discuss)
- deliberation
- delighted
- deliver (send)
- deliverance
- deliverer
- delude
- deluxe
- demand
- democracy
- Democrat
- demolish
- demon
- demonstrate
- denigrate
- denomination
- denominations
- denotation
- dentist
- deny
- departed
- department
- deport
- deposit
- depressed
- descend
- describe
- desegregate
- desert
- deserve (earn)
- designate
- desk
- despicable
- dessert
- destiny
- destroy
- detail (elaborate)
- detainee
- determine
- detestable
- devastate
- develop
- develop (improve)
- deviate
- devil
- devote
- devotee
- devotion
- devotional prayer
- devoutness
- diadem
- diagnose (examine)
- dialogue
- dictionary
- die
- differentiate
- dignified
- dignity
- diminish
- dine
- direct (control)
- directive
- director
- disappointed
- disapproval
- disavow
- disburse
- discard
- disciple
- discipline
- discomfort
- disconcerted
- discontent
- discontented
- discourse
- discuss
- discussion
- disdain
- disgruntled (bitter)
- disgruntled (angry)
- disgusted
- disgusting
- dish (plate)
- disinterested
- disjoin
- disloyalty (adultery)
- dismayed
- disobey
- disoriented
- disown
- disparage
- displeased
- displeasure
- dispute
- disquiet
- disrupt
- dissatisfaction
- dissatisfied
- dissect
- distasteful
- distract
- distraught
- distribute (sell)
- distribution (proportion)
- district
- disturb
- diurnal
- divine
- division (department)
- divorce
- doctor
- document
- dodge
- doe
- dog
- dollar
- dominate (control)
- donate
- done
- dot
- double-cross
- doubt
- down
- draft
- drafting
- draftsman
- drag (boring)
- draw (sketch)
- draw near
- drawing
- dread
- dress
- drill (practice)
- drink
- drive (way)
- drudgery
- drug
- duck
- due
- dull (boring)
- dupe
- duplicate
- during
- duty (tax)
- duty (responsibility)
- dwindle
- E
- eager
- ear
- earlier
- early
- earn
- earnest
- earnings
- earth
- eat
- eau de toilette
- economic inflation
- economic recession
- economical
- economy
- edge (advantage)
- edgy
- educate
- education
- educator
- effect
- effort
- egg
- elaborate
- elated
- elbow
- elegant
- elementary
- elk
- elope
- elude
- embark
- embarrassed
- embezzle
- emblem
- embolden
- embrace (accept)
- emerge
- emergency
- emissary
- emolument
- emperor
- employee
- employment
- empty-minded
- enable (allow)
- encourage
- encumbrance
- end
- end (last)
- endanger
- endeavor
- ending (final)
- endmost
- endure
- enduring
- enemy
- energetic
- energize
- energy
- engagement
- engineering
- England
- English
- enhance (develop)
- enhance (improve)
- enough
- enraged
- ensemble (clothing)
- ensign
- enslavement
- enter
- enthusiasm
- enthusiastic
- entice
- entomb
- entrance
- entreat (ask)
- entreat (pray)
- entreat (beg)
- entrepreneurship
- entry
- envious
- envoy
- episcopal
- Episcopal Church
- equal
- equilibrium
- equitable
- equity
- equivalent
- erase
- erect
- error
- erupt
- eschew (deny)
- eschew (avoid)
- escort
- estimate
- eternal life
- ethics
- Europe
- evade
- evaluation (test)
- Eve
- even (fair)
- even-handed
- evening
- ever
- everlasting life
- everyday
- evict
- evidence
- evidences
- exact
- exam
- examination
- examine
- example
- exasperated (frustrated)
- exasperated (angry)
- exasperation
- excellent
- exchange
- excitable
- excited
- exclamation point
- exclusively
- excoriate
- excuse (exempt)
- execute
- executive
- executive branch
- Executive Minister
- exempt
- exercise
- exertion
- exhale
- exile
- exorbitant
- expatriate
- expend
- expenditure
- expense
- expenses
- expensive
- experiment
- explain
- expletive
- explode
- explore
- explosion
- explosive
- export
- expression
- expressway
- extortionate
- extramarital relationship
- extraordinary
- exuberant
- eye
- eyebrow
- eyeglasses
- eyes
- eyewear
- F
- fable
- fabulous
- facsimile
- fact (evidence)
- faculty
- fail
- failure (breakdown)
- failure
- fair
- fall (autumn)
- fall (stumble)
- family
- famished
- fantastic
- fare (price)
- farm
- fashion (create)
- father
- Father in Heaven
- fault
- fear
- fearful
- fearless
- federal
- fee
- fee (salary)
- fee (price)
- feedback
- feign
- feline
- female
- female child
- feminine
- fervent
- fetch
- fetter
- fever
- field (profession)
- field (location)
- fiery
- file
- final
- finale
- financial statement
- fine (price)
- finished
- firm
- fish
- fit
- fitting
- fizzy drink
- flag
- flinty
- flop
- flout
- flunk
- flush (blush)
- fluster
- flustered
- focus
- foe
- folder
- follower
- following
- food
- food pack (baon)
- fool (deceive)
- football
- for
- forbearing
- forbearing
- forebears
- foreman
- forest
- form (create)
- formal
- former
- fortify
- fortune
- forward (send)
- foundation
- fracture
- frankfurter
- free
- freedom
- freeway
- French fries
- frequent
- frequently
- friend
- fright
- frizzy
- frock
- from
- fruit
- frustrated
- fuel
- fulfilled
- function (operate)
- fundamental
- furious
- further on
- fury
- fuse
- future
- fuzzy
- G
- gain
- gal
- garb
- garment
- gas
- gasoline
- gather (earn)
- gathering
- gel
- gelatin
- gender
- general (broad)
- General Santos City
- generic
- getup (clothing)
- gift
- girl
- girlfriend
- glad
- gleeful
- gloat
- globe
- gloomy
- glorious
- go into
- go on
- God
- God's Messenger
- golf
- gone (absent)
- gone by
- govern
- gown
- graduate
- graduation
- grammar
- grand
- grandfather
- grandmother
- grant (allow)
- grape juice
- graph
- graphics
- grasshopper
- gratified
- great (wonderful)
- grenade
- grief
- grievance
- grieve (mourn)
- grieve (complain)
- gripe
- groom
- groups
- grouse
- grow (develop)
- grumble
- grumpy
- guard (defend)
- guardianship
- guidance
- guide
- guidon
- guilt
- guilty
- gull
- gulp
- gum
- gust
- gym
- gymnasium
- gymnastics
- H
- habiliments
- habit
- hail (call)
- hail (honor)
- hallelujah
- hallow
- hallowed
- hamburger
- handcuff
- handle (control)
- happy
- harass
- hard
- hard work
- hare
- harm
- hart
- hassle
- hateful
- hazard
- hazy
- head (boss)
- heal
- health center
- hearing impaired
- heart attack
- hearten
- heat
- heaviness
- heedful
- help (assist)
- help (aid)
- hemorrhage
- henchman
- hide (cover)
- high school
- high-priced
- high-strung
- higher court
- highest
- highlands
- highway
- hill
- hind (deer)
- hindmost
- history
- hit (attack)
- hit (blow)
- hoax
- hockey
- hold accountable
- hold off
- holy
- Holy Scriptures
- Holy Supper
- homework
- homogenize
- honor
- honorarium
- hoodwink
- hopeful
- horror
- horse
- hospice
- hospital
- hostage
- hot
- hot dog
- hound
- hour
- how
- how many
- however
- human rights
- humbug
- hungry
- hurt
- hypocrite
- hypothesis
- I
- ice cream
- ID
- Ifugao
- Iglesia Ni Cristo
- Iligan
- ill
- illustrate (draw)
- Ilocos Norte
- Ilocos Sur
- Iloilo
- immunity
- impact
- impartial
- implore (pray)
- implore (beg)
- import
- improve (develop)
- improve
- impute
- in
- in despair
- in-law
- inadequate
- incensed
- inclination
- income
- income statement
- inconvenience
- incorrect
- increase (develop)
- increase (improve)
- incredible
- incriminate
- inculpate
- indemnification
- indemnify
- indemnity
- independence
- independent
- indict
- indignant
- indignation
- indistinct
- induction
- industrial
- industry
- inexpensive
- infant
- infidelity
- infirmary
- inflation
- influence
- inform
- infringe
- infuriated
- ingress
- inhume
- initiate
- initiation
- input (advice)
- inquire
- insecure
- inside
- insist
- inspect (examine)
- inspect (research)
- inspect (check)
- inspired
- install (appoint)
- instant
- institute
- instruct
- instruction (command)
- instruction (teaching)
- instructor
- insufficient
- insurance
- insurgence
- insurrection
- integrate
- integrity
- inter
- intercessor
- intercourse
- interest (financial)
- intermingle
- interpret
- interpretation
- interpreter
- interrogate
- interrupt
- into
- intrepid
- introduce (orient)
- introduction (orientation)
- intrude
- invalidate
- inveigle (deceive)
- inveigle (convince)
- invest
- investigate (examine)
- investigate (research)
- investment
- invigorate
- irascibility
- irate
- ire
- Iriga
- irritability
- irritate
- irritation
- Isabela
- J
- jab
- jabber
- jail
- jaundiced
- jaw-dropping
- jealous
- jello
- jelly
- Jesus (The Mediator between God and man. The Son of God. )
- Jesus Christ
- job
- jot down
- judge (criticize)
- juice
- jumpy
- jungle
- just (recently)
- just (only)
- just (fair)
- justify (prove)
- juxtapose
- K
- Kalinga
- karate
- keel
- keen (eager)
- keep (conserve)
- keep away
- keep on
- keep safe
- ketchup
- kick the bucket
- kid
- kinky
- kitchen
- knapsack
- L
- La Union
- labor
- lad
- ladder
- Laguna
- lambaste
- lamented
- land
- lane
- language
- Las Piñas
- lasagna
- lass
- last (final)
- last (past)
- last (continue)
- lasting
- late (tardy)
- late (dead)
- lately
- later
- launch (start)
- law
- law enforcement
- lay (secular)
- lead
- learn
- learner
- leave (abandon)
- lecture
- legal
- Legaspi
- legate
- lend
- less
- lessen
- lesson
- let (allow)
- let down
- letter
- levy
- Leyte
- liability (financial)
- liability (burden)
- liberal
- liberate
- liberty
- library
- license
- likelihood
- limit
- linger (continue)
- lingering
- listen
- livelihood
- lively
- load (burden)
- loan (borrow)
- loan (lend)
- loathsome
- lobby for
- locale
- location
- locution
- lollipop
- long ago
- long time ago
- look down
- look over
- loot
- Lord
- Lord Jesus Christ
- lot (area)
- lovemaking
- lover
- low-cost
- low-priced
- lower limit
- lug
- M
- mad (angry)
- Maguindanao
- maintain (continue)
- majestic
- major (profession)
- Makati
- make
- make up (one's mind)
- Malabon
- malady
- male
- male child
- manacle
- manage
- manager
- manifest
- Manila
- manufacture
- margarine
- Marikina
- market (place)
- market (advertise)
- marketing
- marriage
- mart
- marvelous (wonderful)
- Masbate
- masculine
- mass (weight)
- materialize
- mathematics
- mating
- matrimony
- mature (develop)
- mature
- maximum
- mayor
- me
- meal
- meaning
- meantime
- meanwhile
- measure
- meat
- meddle
- mediator
- medical institution
- medicament
- medication
- medicine
- meeting
- melancholic
- meld
- merely
- merge
- merit
- merry
- message
- messenger
- Metro Manila
- metropolis
- midday
- military
- milk
- mimeograph
- mind-blowing
- mindful
- Mindoro
- mine
- mingle
- mingle
- minimum
- minister
- minus
- minute (time)
- miraculous
- misadventure
- mishap
- mislead
- miss (girl)
- missing (absent)
- missus
- mistake
- mister
- mix
- mobile phone
- model (create)
- modern
- modify
- mom
- moment
- mongrel
- monkey
- monotonous
- monthly
- moose
- mores
- morning
- morose
- mortified
- mosquito
- mother
- motivate
- motivated
- mount (climb)
- Mountain Province
- mourn
- mouse
- mouser
- move (encourage)
- Mr.
- Mrs.
- Ms.
- multiply
- Muntinlupa
- mutiny
- mutt
- Ñ
- N
- nag
- Naga
- nailed on the cross
- narrative
- nation
- national
- National Capital Region
- Navotas
- negate
- negative
- Negros
- nemesis
- nephew
- nervous
- networking
- neutral
- nevertheless
- newborn
- next
- Ng
- niece
- nix
- non-attending
- non-existent
- non-religious
- nonetheless
- nonpartisan
- noodles
- noon
- North America
- not confident
- not enough
- not guilty
- not yet
- note
- notify
- now
- Nueva Ecija
- Nueva Vizcaya
- nullify
- nuptials
- nurse
- O
- object (complain)
- objection
- objective (fair)
- obnoxious
- obscenity
- obscure
- observance
- occasion
- occupation
- occupied
- occurrence
- ocean
- odious
- of
- off
- off course
- offensive
- offering
- often
- oil anointing
- oleo
- omnipotent
- on
- on guard
- once more
- oneness
- only
- open-minded
- operate
- operate
- operation
- operation
- operator
- opponent
- opportunity
- oppose
- oppress
- opt
- option
- option (choose)
- or
- oration
- ordeal
- order (arrange)
- order (command)
- ordination
- organization
- organize
- orientation (introductory session)
- our
- out
- outcome
- outfit
- outrage
- outraged
- outstanding
- outwit
- over (finished)
- over
- over (above)
- overcast
- overcome
- overdue
- overpower
- overworked
- owe
- own up
- P
- pact
- page
- Pagsamba Ng Kabataan
- paid
- pain
- painstaking
- paint
- pal
- Palawan
- Pampanga
- pamphlet
- pang
- Pangasinan
- pansit
- paper
- parable
- Parañaque
- pare
- parenthesis
- parents
- parley
- part (portion)
- part (separate)
- partner
- partner in crime
- partnership (cooperation)
- partnership (business)
- Pasay
- Pasig
- pass away
- passionate
- past
- pasta
- Pateros
- patient (sick person)
- patient (forbearing)
- pay (salary)
- pay
- payment
- payment (price)
- peddle
- peevish
- pen
- pencil
- penitentiary
- pennant
- percent
- percentage
- perennial
- perform (in a show)
- perform
- perfume
- peril
- period (dot)
- perish
- permanent
- permed
- permission
- permit (allow)
- perpetual
- perpetuate
- perplexed
- persevere
- persevering
- persist
- persistent
- persuade
- pertain
- peso
- pester
- petition (request)
- petulant
- phenomenal
- photocopy
- phrase
- physique
- pick
- pickpocket
- pie
- piece
- pillory
- pique
- piqued
- pizza
- place (appoint)
- place (location)
- plan (organize)
- plant
- plantation
- plate
- plateu
- play
- plea
- plead (beg)
- plead (pray)
- pleasant
- plus
- poem
- poetry
- point (dot)
- pointer (advice)
- police
- policeman
- policewoman
- policy
- pommes frites
- pop
- pop up
- popcorn
- popsicle
- pork
- portion
- position
- positive
- possession (property)
- postpone
- practice (rehearse)
- practice (custom)
- prattle
- praxis
- pray
- prayer
- pre-
- precede
- precis
- precise
- predecessors
- predisposition
- predisposition
- preeminent
- prepare
- prerequisite
- prerogative
- prescription
- present (time)
- present (gift)
- present-day
- presentation (lecture)
- preserve
- president
- press on
- pressure
- pretend (bluff)
- pretender
- previously
- price
- prim
- primate
- prince
- princess
- principal
- prior
- prison
- prisoner
- prize
- probe
- procedure
- proceeding
- process
- proclaim
- proclivity
- procrastinate
- produce (create)
- product
- profanity
- profess
- profession
- professional
- professor
- profit
- progenitors
- program
- progress
- promote
- promotion
- prone to
- proof
- propagandize
- propensity
- proper (correct)
- proper (formal)
- property
- proportion
- prose
- prosecutor
- proselyte
- prosper
- protect (defend)
- protect (conserve)
- protection
- protest
- Protestant
- Protestant Church
- prove
- provision
- proxy
- prune
- psalm
- publicize
- puff
- punch
- pup
- pupil
- puppy
- purchase
- purely
- purpose
- pursue
- push (sell)
- put back
- put off
- put up
- puzzled
- Q
- quantify
- queen
- query
- question
- Quezon
- Quezon City
- quibble
- quit
- quiz
- quota
- quotation marks
- quotes
- R
- rabbit
- race
- rage
- raiment
- rally (encourage)
- ram
- ranch
- rancorous
- rape
- rat
- rate (price)
- ratio
- ravage
- ravenous
- ravine
- raze
- re-evaluate
- re-examine
- react
- reaction
- ready (prepare)
- reappraise
- rearmost
- reassess
- reassure (encourage)
- rebel
- rebellion
- receipt
- recent
- recently
- recession
- recommendation
- recompense
- reconsider
- record (copy)
- recover
- recreation
- redden
- redeem
- redeemer
- redemption
- reduce
- reduction
- refine
- reform (change)
- refrain from
- refreshment
- refuge
- refuse
- regal
- regard
- region
- regulate
- regulation
- regulator
- rehearse
- reign
- reimburse
- reindeer
- reinforcement
- relatives
- relay (inform)
- remain (continue)
- remarkable
- remind
- remunerate
- remuneration (salary)
- renounce
- rent
- repay
- replace (exchange)
- replicate
- reply
- reprehensible
- representative
- repress
- reproduction
- republic
- Republican
- repudiate
- repugnant
- repulsed
- repulsive
- require
- requirement
- reschedule
- rescind
- rescue
- research
- resentful
- reservation
- resign
- resolve (solve)
- resolve (determine)
- respect
- response
- responsibility (burden)
- restrict
- result
- retail (sell)
- retract
- revenue
- revenue (salary)
- revere
- reverse (change)
- review
- revoke
- revolt
- revolting
- revolution
- revulsed
- reward (gift)
- reward (award)
- rice
- rich
- riches
- rifle
- right (correct)
- rigid
- risk (financial)
- rival
- river
- Rizal
- road
- rob
- robbery
- robe
- rodent
- role
- Roman Catholic
- room
- rotate (exchange)
- rout
- route
- royal
- rucksack
- ruin
- rule (regulation)
- rule (condition)
- rule (govern)
- run (operate)
- run (control)
- run after
- S
- sacred
- safe (salvation)
- safeguard
- safekeeping
- salad
- salary
- sale
- sales
- salt
- salvation
- Samar
- San Juan
- sanctified
- sanctimonious
- sandwich
- satan
- satisfied
- save (conserve)
- save (salvation)
- savior
- scalding
- scale (measure)
- scale (climb)
- scan
- schedule
- school
- School for Ministers
- science
- scorching
- score
- scorn
- scourge
- scrap
- scrawl
- scribble
- scrutinize
- sea
- seal
- searing
- season
- second
- secretary
- sects
- secular
- secure (defend)
- security (defense)
- seek (request)
- seek alms
- seething
- seize
- seizure
- select
- selection (option)
- selection (choose)
- self-respect
- sell
- semicolon
- senate
- senator
- send
- send for
- sensational
- sentence
- separate
- sequel
- sequence (arrange)
- sequence
- serialize
- sermon
- serpent
- serve
- service
- servitude
- settle (agree)
- settle (pay)
- settlement
- sever
- sex (gender)
- sexual intercourse
- shackle
- shadow teacher
- shadowing
- shall
- shark
- shear
- sheep
- shelter (defend)
- shield (armor)
- shield (defend)
- shift (change)
- shirk
- shocking
- shop
- shorten
- shortly
- show off
- show up (attend)
- show up (appear)
- shun
- shut
- Siargao
- sick
- sickened
- signature
- simian
- simply
- sip
- sister
- site
- situation
- situations
- size
- sketch
- skipper
- skipping (absent)
- skittish
- slam (crash)
- slam (shut)
- slave
- slavery
- slip
- smash
- smash
- smear
- snack
- snake
- snap
- snip
- so-calle
- sob
- social science
- socialization
- socialize
- society
- Society of Communicators And Networkers
- soda
- soft drink
- soldier
- solely
- solemn
- solid
- solo
- solution
- solve
- son
- soon
- sore
- sorrowful
- Sorsogon
- soup
- sour (disappointed)
- South America
- space (area)
- spaghetti
- spasm
- special education
- specification
- spectacles
- spectacular
- speculation
- speech (lecture)
- spend
- spider
- spirited
- spiteful
- splendid (wonderful)
- splenetic
- splinter
- split up
- spoil
- spokesperson
- spring (season)
- spur on
- staff
- stag
- staggering
- staid
- stand-in
- standard (flag)
- start
- startling
- starved
- starving
- stately
- statement (sentence)
- statement (affidavit)
- statistics
- stay (continue)
- stay away from
- stay out of
- steady (permanent)
- steal
- steer
- steer clear
- steps (process)
- sterling (wonderful)
- stiff
- stipend
- stipulation
- stir (encourage)
- stocks (investment)
- stony
- store
- story
- strain
- stray
- streamer (flag)
- street
- stress
- strike (attack)
- strike (blow)
- stripling
- strive
- student
- study (analyze)
- study
- stumble
- stunning
- stupefying
- stupendous
- subdue (defeat)
- subdue (suppress)
- subject
- subject (theme)
- subjugate
- subjugation
- subsequent
- subsequently
- substantial
- substitute (exchange)
- subterfuge
- subtraction
- succeed
- succeeding
- success
- successful
- sue
- suffering
- sufficient
- sugar
- suggestion
- sullen
- sultry
- sum
- summarize
- summary
- summer
- summon
- sun
- sun-up
- sunrise
- super
- superb
- superintendent
- supervise
- supervision
- supervisor
- supplicate
- supplication
- supply
- support (assist)
- suppress
- supreme
- surface (appear)
- surgery
- Surigao
- surprising
- survey (analyze)
- sushi
- sustain
- sustainable
- sustenance
- swagger
- swap
- sway
- swear
- sweet
- sweetheart
- sweltering
- swindle
- swipe (steal)
- switch (exchange)
- switch (change)
- synergize
- synergy
- synopsis
- T
- table
- tackle
- Taguig
- Tagum City
- tailor
- take (accept)
- tale
- talk (lecture)
- talk
- talk about
- tardy
- target market
- tariff
- Tarlac
- task
- tax
- tea
- teach
- teacher
- teamwork
- tears
- tedious
- tell
- tell all
- temperature
- temptation
- tendency
- tense
- term (condition)
- terminal (last)
- terminate (end)
- termination (ending)
- terrific
- terror
- test
- than
- Thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving offering
- that
- theft
- their
- them
- theme
- then
- theory
- therapy
- thermometer
- they
- thievery
- thirsty
- thoroughfare
- thrall
- three of us
- throng
- through
- through (finished)
- throughout
- throw away
- tiara
- tiger
- till
- time
- timeout
- timerland
- timetable
- tip (advice)
- title
- to
- today
- toil
- tolerant
- tolerate
- toll (price)
- tom
- tome
- tomorrow
- too
- topic
- topmost
- torment
- torture
- total
- tote
- town
- trace (draw)
- trade
- trade-off
- tradition
- train (rehearse)
- transcript
- transform (change)
- transgress
- treat (food)
- treatment
- tree
- trees
- trembling
- tremendous
- trepidation
- tribunal
- trick
- trigonometry
- trim
- triumph
- trouble (bother)
- trounce
- truncate
- try
- turn down
- turn up (attend)
- turn up (appear)
- tutor (teach)
- tutor (teacher)
- tweak
- two of us
- U
- ultimate (final)
- unbelievable
- unbiased
- uncertainty
- uncle
- unclear
- under
- underneath
- understanding
- unease
- uneasy
- unfaithfulness
- unification
- unify (integrate)
- unify (cooperate)
- uninteresting
- union
- unite (integrate)
- unite (cooperate)
- unity
- universal
- university
- unpleasant
- unprejudiced
- unsuccessful
- until
- unto
- unwell
- up
- upcoming
- upgrade (develop)
- upgrade (improve)
- upland
- upper hand
- upper limit
- uppermost
- uprising
- urge
- us
- used to
- usher
- utmost
- V
- Valenzuela
- valiant
- valley
- vanquish
- vehement
- vend
- verify (prove)
- verify (check)
- versus
- vestments
- vexation
- vexed
- vicinity
- victory (success)
- victory (win)
- vigilant
- vigorous
- vile
- village
- violate
- viper
- visor
- vitalize
- vocabulary
- vocation
- void
- volunteer
- W
- wages
- wake up
- wander (stray)
- wardship
- warm
- warning
- wary
- wash (bathe)
- watch over
- watchful
- water
- wavy
- way
- ways
- we
- wealth
- wealthy
- weather
- wedding
- wedlock
- week
- weekend
- weep
- weight (burden)
- weight
- whale
- what
- which
- while
- who
- why
- wide
- widespread
- wiener
- wife
- will (going to)
- win
- win over
- wind
- wine
- winter
- wintry
- with
- withdraw
- without
- wonder (awe)
- wondrous
- woodland
- woods
- work (activity)
- work (operate)
- work
- work hard
- worker
- workout
- workshop
- world
- worm
- worried
- worry (bother)
- worry (concern)
- worship
- worship service
- worth (price)
- worthy (earned it)
- would
- wrangle
- wrath
- wreck
- wristlet
- write
- wrong
- X
- X-axis
- xerox
- Y
- Y-axis
- year
- yearly
- you (plural)
- you
- your
- yours
- Z
- Zambales
- Zamboanga
- zealous
- zebra
- zone